Cab Eco-Friendly Speaker and Wireless Charger


Cab Eco Friendly 2-in-1 Cork Wireless Charger and Cement Speaker. Stylish 5 watt classic speaker with integrated wireless charging station made from concrete and cork. With Bluetooth 5.0 interface and 5 watt wireless output, you can easily recharge all your suitable devices and listen to your favorite music wirelessly, enjoying the premium audio quality the speaker provides. With powerful, rechargeable battery, hands-free function, and additional line-in.


Price from $35.85 - $52.58

Pricing and Charges

3 business days

Production & Rush Time:
3 business days
Quantity Price Per Unit 10 -24 $50.91 25 -49 $47.50 50 -99 $42.43 100 -249 $39.70 250 + $35.85

Price Includes: UV Full color imprint

1 business days

Production & Rush Time:
1 business days
Quantity Price Per Unit 10 -24 $52.58 25 -49 $49.17 50 -99 $44.10 100 -249 $41.37 250 + $37.52

Price Includes: UV Full color imprint

Imprint Charges Price
Artwork Charge - Photo Proof
Artwork Charge - Art Services
Additional Options & Charges Price
Shipping Charge - Other Location Drop Shipping
Sample Charge - Product Sample